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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdalinfo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


GDALinfo is a command-line tool used to display metadata information about raster and vector geospatial data. It is a part of the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) software package and is supported on various operating systems.

The tool provides information such as the dataset format, size, extent, projection, and data type of the input file. It can also display the number of bands, nodata values, statistics, and the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the dataset.

GDALinfo supports a wide range of geospatial data formats, including popular formats like GeoTIFF, Shapefile, and KML. It can handle both single-band and multi-band datasets with ease.

One of the key features of GDALinfo is its ability to quickly extract essential information about a dataset without having to open the file in a GIS software. This makes it useful for scripting and automation purposes, especially when dealing with large datasets.

In addition to providing the metadata information, GDALinfo can also generate a summary report of the dataset, which includes statistics like minimum and maximum pixel values, mean, standard deviation, and histogram.

By utilizing command-line options, users can customize the output of GDALinfo according to their requirements. They can choose to display specific information, hide certain sections, or even output the data in different formats.

GDALinfo is a powerful tool for troubleshooting geospatial data-related issues. It can help identify problems such as missing or incorrect CRS, missing georeferencing, or unsupported data formats.

The tool is often used as a precursor to other GDAL commands, as it provides a quick overview of the dataset before performing any further analysis or manipulation.

GDALinfo is widely used in different domains such as remote sensing, GIS, cartography, and geospatial data management. It is a versatile and essential tool for geospatial data professionals and enthusiasts.

List of commands for gdalinfo:

  • gdalinfo:tldr:03d25 gdalinfo: List information about a Web Map Service (WMS).
    $ gdalinfo WMS:${https:--services-meggsimum-de-geoserver-ows}
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  • gdalinfo:tldr:0e76d gdalinfo: List information about a specific raster dataset.
    $ gdalinfo ${path-to-input-tif}
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  • gdalinfo:tldr:1b8b6 gdalinfo: Show histogram values of a specific raster dataset.
    $ gdalinfo -hist ${path-to-input-tif}
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  • gdalinfo:tldr:8df19 gdalinfo: List information about a specific dataset of a Web Map Service (WMS).
    $ gdalinfo WMS:${https:--services-meggsimum-de-geoserver-ows} -sd ${4}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gdalinfo:tldr:c1ec0 gdalinfo: List information about a specific raster dataset in JSON format.
    $ gdalinfo -json ${path-to-input-tif}
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  • gdalinfo:tldr:f513f gdalinfo: List all supported raster formats.
    $ gdalinfo --formats
    try on your machine
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tool overview