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gdebi: Set an APT configuration option.
$ gdebi ${path-to-package-deb} --option=${APT_OPTS}
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The command gdebi ${path-to-package-deb} --option=${APT_OPTS} is used to install a Debian package (.deb) using the gdebi tool, along with certain options.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • gdebi: The gdebi tool is a package installer for Debian-based systems. It resolves dependencies automatically and installs the package along with any required dependencies.

  • ${path-to-package-deb}: This is the path to the Debian package file (.deb) that you want to install. You need to replace ${path-to-package-deb} with the actual file path.

  • --option=${APT_OPTS}: The --option flag is used to specify additional options for the gdebi command. ${APT_OPTS} represents a variable that holds the options. You need to replace ${APT_OPTS} with the specific options you want to pass to gdebi. For example, if you want to enable verbose output during installation, you can use --option="--verbose".

To use this command, you need to replace ${path-to-package-deb} with the actual path to the .deb package file you want to install, and optionally provide any desired options using ${APT_OPTS}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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