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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdebi. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gdebi is a command line tool designed for installing Debian (.deb) packages in Ubuntu or other Debian-based Linux distributions. It provides a simple and effective way to install software packages from the command line by handling dependencies automatically.

With gdebi, you can install a package and all its dependencies with a single command, ensuring that the required libraries and components are installed correctly. It resolves any missing dependencies and installs them from the system repositories if available.

Gdebi also features a graphical interface, which can be launched by typing 'gdebi-gtk' in the command line. This allows users to visually browse and install packages with a few clicks, providing a more user-friendly experience.

In addition to regular package installations, gdebi can also be used for package removals and purges. This allows users to cleanly uninstall software packages along with their residual files and configurations.

Gdebi uses the Debian package management system (dpkg) and, as a result, is compatible with all dpkg-based distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux Mint.

For advanced users, gdebi provides options to install packages from a specific file, display package information, simulate an installation without actually installing anything, or force the installation even if dependencies are not met (though this is not recommended).

Overall, gdebi is a reliable and efficient command line tool for package installation on Debian-based Linux systems, offering both command line and graphical interfaces to cater to different user preferences and needs.

List of commands for gdebi:

  • gdebi:tldr:0dcd6 gdebi: Install local `.deb` packages resolving and installing its dependencies.
    $ gdebi ${path-to-package-deb}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gdebi:tldr:6bf9f gdebi: Display the program version.
    $ gdebi --version
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gdebi:tldr:710b7 gdebi: Set an APT configuration option.
    $ gdebi ${path-to-package-deb} --option=${APT_OPTS}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gdebi:tldr:b1d13 gdebi: Use alternative root dir.
    $ gdebi ${path-to-package-deb} --root=${path-to-root_dir}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gdebi:tldr:ee7d8 gdebi: Do not show progress information.
    $ gdebi ${path-to-package-deb} --quiet
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview