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gdrive: Upload a local path to the parent folder with the specified ID.
$ gdrive upload -p ${id} ${filename_or_folder}
try on your machine
The given command "gdrive upload -p ${id} ${filename_or_folder}" is used to upload a file or folder to Google Drive using the gdrive command-line tool.
Here is what each part of the command represents:
- "gdrive" is the name or alias of the command-line tool being used to interact with Google Drive.
- "upload" is the command to upload files or folders to Google Drive.
- "-p ${id}" specifies the parent folder ID where the file or folder will be uploaded. ${id} is a placeholder that refers to the desired folder ID. You need to replace ${id} in the command with the actual ID of the Google Drive folder where you want to upload the file or folder. This flag is optional; if not provided, the file or folder will be uploaded to the root of your Google Drive.
- "${filename_or_folder}" is a placeholder that represents the name or path of the file or folder you want to upload. You need to replace ${filename_or_folder} in the command with the actual name or path of the file or folder you want to upload.
By executing this command with the appropriate options, you can upload files or folders to your Google Drive using the gdrive command-line tool.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.