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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gdrive. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gdrive is a command line tool for Google Drive that allows users to interact with their Google Drive files and folders directly from the command line interface (CLI).

It provides a simple and efficient way to manage files, upload and download files, create new folders, organize files into folders, and perform other file operations using simple commands.

With Gdrive, users can easily list files and folders in their Google Drive, using options like sorting by name or modified date. One can also search for files based on specific criteria such as name, file type, or file size.

The tool enables seamless uploading and downloading of files to and from Google Drive, allowing users to transfer files quickly and efficiently.

Gdrive supports resumable uploads and downloads, ensuring that large files can be uploaded or downloaded without interruption, even if the connection is temporarily lost.

It supports various authentication mechanisms, including interactive authentication, service accounts, and OAuth, to securely access and manage Google Drive files.

Gdrive also allows users to sync local files and folders with their Google Drive, ensuring that any changes made in the local directory are reflected in Google Drive and vice versa.

The tool provides a way to share files and folders with specific users or make them publicly accessible, using the appropriate command line options.

Gdrive has a range of additional features like moving and copying files, creating and deleting files and folders, and even exporting and importing files in various formats.

It is compatible with multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it easily accessible to a wide range of users.

List of commands for gdrive:

  • gdrive:tldr:4b9f0 gdrive: Download file or directory by ID to current directory.
    $ gdrive download ${id}
    try on your machine
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  • gdrive:tldr:8715d gdrive: Download to a given local path by its ID.
    $ gdrive download --path ${path-to-folder} ${id}
    try on your machine
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  • gdrive:tldr:9e715 gdrive: Upload a local path to the parent folder with the specified ID.
    $ gdrive upload -p ${id} ${filename_or_folder}
    try on your machine
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  • gdrive:tldr:cf302 gdrive: Create a new revision of an ID using a given file or folder.
    $ gdrive update ${id} ${filename_or_folder}
    try on your machine
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tool overview