List of commands for genid:
genid:tldr:07a16 genid: Generate a Discord Snowflake, without a trailing newline (useful in shell scripts).$ genid --script snowflaketry on your machineexplain this command
genid:tldr:3bb3d genid: Generate a Snowflake with the epoch set to a specific date.$ genid snowflake --epoch=${unix_epoch_time}try on your machineexplain this command
genid:tldr:7c162 genid: Generate a UUIDv5 using a namespace UUID and a specific name.$ genid uuidv5 ${{ce598faa-8dd0-49ee-8525-9e24fff71dca}} ${name}try on your machineexplain this command
genid:tldr:a5036 genid: Generate a Generic Anonymous ID with a specific "real ID".$ genid gaid ${real_id}try on your machineexplain this command