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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool genid. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Genid is a command line tool that generates unique identifiers or random strings. It is primarily used for automating the creation of unique IDs in various applications or environments.

This tool is highly flexible and customizable, allowing users to specify the length, format, and character set of the generated IDs. The generated IDs can be composed of numbers, letters (both uppercase and lowercase), symbols, or a combination of these.

Genid offers multiple modes of operation, such as generating a single ID, a batch of IDs, or continuous generation until interrupted. It also supports the option to save the generated IDs to a file for later use or analysis.

The tool has built-in options for generating UUIDs, which are universally unique identifiers following a standardized format. This makes it suitable for applications requiring unique identifiers across distributed systems.

Genid is lightweight and easily integrated into various workflows, scripts, or programs via command line execution or by calling its API. It can be used on different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The generated IDs are designed to be highly random and unpredictable, making them suitable for use in cryptography or security-related applications. The randomization process utilizes cryptographic-grade random number generators to ensure a high level of randomness.

The output of Genid is highly optimized and efficient, making it capable of generating a large number of IDs quickly. This is beneficial for applications that require massive scalability or have high-performance requirements.

It provides a user-friendly interface with clear and concise usage instructions, command line options, and error handling mechanisms. This makes it easy for both novice and advanced users to understand and utilize the tool effectively.

Genid is an open-source tool, meaning its source code is freely available for modification or inspection. This allows users to customize or extend its functionality to suit their specific needs or integrate it into their existing toolchains.

Overall, Genid is a versatile and powerful command line tool that simplifies the generation of unique identifiers or random strings, offering flexibility, efficiency, security, and ease of integration for various applications and use cases.

List of commands for genid:

  • genid:tldr:07a16 genid: Generate a Discord Snowflake, without a trailing newline (useful in shell scripts).
    $ genid --script snowflake
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  • genid:tldr:3bb3d genid: Generate a Snowflake with the epoch set to a specific date.
    $ genid snowflake --epoch=${unix_epoch_time}
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  • genid:tldr:7c162 genid: Generate a UUIDv5 using a namespace UUID and a specific name.
    $ genid uuidv5 ${{ce598faa-8dd0-49ee-8525-9e24fff71dca}} ${name}
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  • genid:tldr:a5036 genid: Generate a Generic Anonymous ID with a specific "real ID".
    $ genid gaid ${real_id}
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  • genid:tldr:afd17 genid: Generate a UUIDv4.
    $ genid uuid
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tool overview