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get-content: Display the content of the file and keep reading from it until `Ctrl + C` is pressed.
$ Get-Content -Path ${path\to\file} -Wait
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The command Get-Content -Path ${path\to\file} -Wait is a PowerShell command used to read the content of a file in real-time.

Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • Get-Content: This is a PowerShell cmdlet used to retrieve the content of a file.
  • -Path: This is a parameter that specifies the path to the file you want to read.
  • ${path\to\file}: This represents the actual file path. In this example, the path is given as ${path\to\file} which means it's a placeholder, and you would need to replace it with the actual file path you want to read.
  • -Wait: This is an optional parameter that tells PowerShell to continue reading the content of the file in real-time even after it reaches the end of the file. It will keep monitoring the file for any changes and display them as they occur.

By running this command, PowerShell will open the specified file and display its content on the console. If the -Wait parameter is included, PowerShell will continuously monitor the file for any changes and display them promptly. This can be useful when you want to monitor log files or continuously read updates from a file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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