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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool Get-Content. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Get-Content is a command line tool commonly used in PowerShell for reading the contents of files. It allows users to retrieve and display the text content of one or multiple files. The command has several useful parameters such as -Path to specify the file(s) to be read, -Encoding to specify the character encoding of the file(s), and -TotalCount to limit the number of lines to be read.

By default, Get-Content reads the entire file and returns each line as a separate object in the output. Users can also use the -Raw parameter to read the file as a single string instead of separate lines. This is particularly useful for processing binary files or when the content of the file needs to be treated as one continuous string.

Get-Content can be used with wildcards to read multiple files matching a certain pattern. It can also read content from remote files by providing a UNC path or a URL.

In addition to reading files, Get-Content can also read the output of another command by using the pipeline. This allows for further processing and manipulation of data. Overall, Get-Content is a versatile command line tool for reading and working with file content in PowerShell.

List of commands for Get-Content:

  • get-content:tldr:07830 get-content: Display the content of a file.
    $ Get-Content -Path ${path\to\file}
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  • get-content:tldr:6a34a get-content: Display the first few lines of a file.
    $ Get-Content -Path ${path\to\file} -TotalCount ${10}
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  • get-content:tldr:89fde get-content: Display the content of the file and keep reading from it until `Ctrl + C` is pressed.
    $ Get-Content -Path ${path\to\file} -Wait
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  • select-string:tldr:b9f4d select-string: Search stdin for lines that do not match a pattern.
    $ Get-Content ${path\to\file} | Select-String --NotMatch "${search_pattern}"
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