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getconf: List every configuration value and then find patterns with the grep command (i.e every value with MAX in it).
$ getconf -a | grep MAX
try on your machine

The command "getconf -a | grep MAX" is used to retrieve and display system configuration variables related to the term "MAX".

Here is how the command works:

  1. "getconf -a" is the first part of the command. "getconf" is a command-line utility used to retrieve system configuration variables. The "-a" flag is used to show all available system configuration variables.

  2. The vertical bar (|) is a pipe operator that takes the output of the previous command and redirects it as input to the next command.

  3. "grep" is a command-line tool used to search for specified pattern(s) in a given input.

  4. "MAX" is the pattern specified after the "grep" command. In this case, it will search for any configuration variables that contain the term "MAX".

The result of running "getconf -a | grep MAX" will display only the system configuration variables that have "MAX" in their name or value. This can be useful for finding specific system settings that have limits or maximum values.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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