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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool getconf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


getconf is a command line tool in Unix-like operating systems that retrieves system configuration variables. It is commonly used to query various attributes related to the system, such as system limits, file system parameters, and path variables. The command can be executed with different options to provide specific information that is useful for system administrators and developers. By default, getconf outputs the value of a specified system variable or limit, such as the maximum number of open file descriptors allowed per process. It can also be used to obtain specific information about the file system, such as the maximum length of a file name. The command is part of the POSIX standard and therefore provides cross-platform compatibility across different Unix-like systems. Getconf can also be used to retrieve information about specific paths, such as the location of system configuration files or libraries. Additionally, it can be used in shell scripts and other automated tasks to dynamically extract system configuration values for further processing. The command can accept different options, such as -a to display all system variables and their values, or -v to print additional information about the command. Overall, getconf is a versatile command line tool that allows users to access and retrieve system configuration variables and information in Unix-like systems.

List of commands for getconf:

  • getconf:tldr:15cf9 getconf: List the configuration values for a specific directory.
    $ getconf -a ${path-to-directory}
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  • getconf:tldr:2b466 getconf: Check if your linux system is a 32-bit or 64-bit.
    $ getconf LONG_BIT
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  • getconf:tldr:b55de getconf: Check how many processes the current user can run at once.
    $ getconf CHILD_MAX
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  • getconf:tldr:fa2ee getconf: List every configuration value and then find patterns with the grep command (i.e every value with MAX in it).
    $ getconf -a | grep MAX
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  • getconf:tldr:fc058 getconf: List [a]ll configuration values available.
    $ getconf -a
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