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gh-api: Create a reaction for a specific issue.
$ gh api --header ${Accept:application-vnd-github-squirrel-girl-preview+json} --raw-field '${content=+1}' ${repos-:owner-:repo-issues-123-reactions}
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The provided command is using the GitHub CLI utility (gh) to interact with the GitHub API.

The command breakdown:

  • gh api: This invokes the GitHub CLI command to make an API request.

  • --header ${Accept:application-vnd-github-squirrel-girl-preview+json}: This flag sets the Accept header in the API request to specify the desired response format. In this case, it is requesting a response in the "application/vnd.github-squirrel-girl-preview+json" format.

  • --raw-field '${content=+1}': This flag is used to pass additional data in the API request body. content=+1 is being set as the value for the field "content". The "+1" is commonly used to represent a thumbs-up or positive reaction.

  • ${repos-:owner-:repo-issues-123-reactions}: This is the URL path for the API endpoint to add a reaction to a specific issue. The placeholders "repos", "owner", and "repo" need to be replaced with actual values. In this example, "123" is the issue number.

So, when you execute this command, it will make an API request to add a reaction (in this case, a "+1" or thumbs-up) to the issue with the number 123 in the specified repository. The response will be in the requested format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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