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gh-auth: Log in with a token from standard input (created in
$ echo ${your_token} | gh auth login --with-token
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This command is used to authenticate with GitHub (gh) using a token. Here is the explanation of each part:

  • echo ${your_token}: This portion retrieves the value of the variable your_token and prints it to the standard output. It assumes that your_token is a variable containing the GitHub token you want to use for authentication.

  • |: This is a pipe symbol used to redirect the output of the "echo" command to the input of the next command.

  • gh auth login --with-token: This is the GitHub CLI command to authenticate with GitHub using a token. The --with-token flag specifies that the authentication should be done using a token instead of a username/password combination.

By combining these parts, the command takes the value of the your_token variable, passes it as input to the gh auth login --with-token command, and thus authenticates with GitHub using the provided token.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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