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gh-auth: Log in with interactive prompt.
$ gh auth login
try on your machine

The command "gh auth login" is used to authenticate and login to GitHub using the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface).

When you execute this command, it prompts you to select an authentication method and provides several options:

  • "Login with a web browser": This option opens a web browser where you can log in to your GitHub account and authorize the GitHub CLI to access your account details. It generates a token for authentication.

  • "Paste an authentication token": If you already have an authentication token, you can select this option and paste the token in the command line. The token can be generated from the GitHub website by going to "Settings" -> "Developer Settings" -> "Personal access tokens".

  • "Use GitHub CLI configuration": This option allows you to use an existing GitHub CLI configuration file for authentication. The CLI configuration file stores the token or credentials required to authenticate.

After successfully authenticating, GitHub CLI saves the authentication token to avoid re-authentication in future commands. It also sets the authenticated user as the default user for subsequent CLI operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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