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gh-auth: Log in with a specific GitHub Enterprise Server.
$ gh auth login --hostname ${github-example-com}
try on your machine

The command "gh auth login --hostname ${github-example-com}" is used to log in to GitHub through the GitHub CLI (Command-line Interface) tool.

  • "gh auth login" is the command to initiate the authentication and login process for GitHub.
  • "--hostname" is an option provided by the "gh" command that allows you to specify the hostname or domain associated with the GitHub instance you want to log in to.
  • "${github-example-com}" is a placeholder used to represent a specific GitHub domain or hostname. In this example, you are expected to replace "${github-example-com}" with the actual domain, such as "" or any other self-hosted GitHub instance domain.

By executing this command with the appropriate domain value, you will be prompted to enter your GitHub credentials (username and password or a Personal Access Token), which will authenticate and log you into the specified GitHub instance using the GitHub CLI.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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