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gh-browse: Open the wiki of the current repository in the default web browser.
$ gh browse --wiki
try on your machine
The command "gh browse --wiki" is used with the "gh" (GitHub CLI) tool to open the wiki of a GitHub repository in a web browser.
Here's a breakdown of the elements in the command:
- "gh": This is the command-line interface tool for GitHub that provides various features and options to interact with GitHub repositories and perform tasks from the terminal.
- "browse": This subcommand launches a web browser and opens the specified GitHub repository or its associated pages.
- "--wiki": This flag specifically instructs the tool to open the wiki of the GitHub repository instead of the repository itself.
By executing the "gh browse --wiki" command, you can conveniently access the wiki associated with a GitHub repository directly in your default web browser, allowing you to view, edit, and manage the repository's wiki content.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.