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gh-codespace: Connect to a codespace via SSH interactively.
$ gh codespace ssh
try on your machine

The command "gh codespace ssh" is used to establish an SSH connection to a GitHub Codespace. A GitHub Codespace is an online development environment powered by Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and hosted in the cloud by GitHub. It enables developers to have a fully functional development environment accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.

When you execute the "gh codespace ssh" command, it initiates an SSH connection to the GitHub Codespace workspace associated with the current repository. This allows you to remotely access and interact with the Codespace using a terminal or command line interface.

Establishing an SSH connection to a Codespace can be useful for various reasons, such as debugging or interacting with the development environment for building, testing, or deploying code without needing to have the entire development setup locally.

Overall, the "gh codespace ssh" command enables developers to securely connect to and use their GitHub Codespace as if they were working on their local machine, offering an efficient and seamless development experience.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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