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gh-codespace: Display help for a subcommand.
$ gh codespace ${select} --help
try on your machine
The command "gh codespace ${select} --help" is executed using the "gh" command-line tool, which is the official GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface). This command is intended for working with GitHub Codespaces, which provide a fully-featured development environment hosted in the cloud.
Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:
- "gh": It refers to the GitHub CLI command-line tool.
- "codespace": It is a subcommand of "gh" specific to GitHub Codespaces. It allows you to interact with your Codespaces.
- "${select}": This is a placeholder representing a parameter or argument that you need to replace with an actual value. In this case, you should replace it with the appropriate identifier for the Codespace you want to work with. It could be the Codespace name, ID, or some other identifier depending on the context.
- "--help": This is an optional flag that you can append to the command to get the help documentation and usage instructions for the specified subcommand. Running this command will display detailed information on how to use the "gh codespace" subcommand, including available options, arguments, and other relevant details.
By executing this command with the appropriate arguments, you can retrieve documentation to understand how to interact with GitHub Codespaces and utilize its features effectively.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.