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gh-completion: Display the subcommand help.
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The gh completion command is used with the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) to generate shell completion scripts. This command helps to configure autocompletion for gh commands in your shell.

When you run gh completion, it generates the shell completion script, specific to your current shell, based on a few factors such as the operating system and the type of shell you are using.

Once you have the completion script, you can configure your shell to load it. This enables autocompletion for gh commands, which means you can simply type a few characters and then press Tab to see a list of possible completions for the gh command you are trying to run. This saves you from having to remember and type out the entire command.

To enable autocompletion, you will need to follow the instructions provided by gh completion command, which typically involves adding a line to your shell profile configuration file. This will activate the completion script whenever you start a new shell session.

By using gh completion, you can enhance your efficiency when working with the GitHub CLI by taking advantage of shell autocompletion.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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