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gh-config: Set a specific configuration value.
$ gh config set ${key} ${value}
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The given command gh config set ${key} ${value} is used to set a configuration value in GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface).

  • gh is the command to interact with GitHub through CLI.
  • config is a subcommand used to manage configuration values.
  • set is another subcommand used to set a value for a specific configuration key.

${key} refers to the configuration key for which you want to set a value. This key can be any valid configuration option available in GitHub CLI.

${value} refers to the value you want to assign to the specified key. This value can be any relevant value that corresponds to the configuration key.

For example, if you want to set the user name for GitHub CLI, you can use the command:

gh config set "Your Name"

Here, is the key representing the user name configuration, and "Your Name" is the value you want to set for that key.

Note: When using the command, make sure to replace ${key} with the actual configuration key and ${value} with the desired value.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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