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gh-extension: Display help about a subcommand.
$ gh extension ${subcommand} --help
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The command "gh extension" is a command-line command used with the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It is used to manage GitHub extensions.

The syntax "gh extension ${subcommand} --help" is used to get help on a specific subcommand of the "gh extension" command.

Let's break down the various components of the command:

  • "gh extension": This is the main command used to manage GitHub extensions. It is the entry point for performing actions related to extensions.

  • "${subcommand}": This is a placeholder representing a specific subcommand that you want help for. It should be replaced with an actual subcommand.

  • "--help": This flag is used to request help information for the specified subcommand. It displays a brief description of the command, its usage examples, and available options.

By executing the "gh extension ${subcommand} --help" command, you can get detailed information on how to use a specific subcommand of the "gh extension" command. It is a way to understand the functionalities, options, and usage of a particular extension-related action provided by the GitHub CLI tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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