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gh-formatting: Display help about formatting JSON output from `gh` using `jq`.
$ gh formatting
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The command "gh formatting" is used in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It allows users to manage formatting settings for code repositories on GitHub.

When you run this command, you can configure the code formatting options for a specific repository or organization. It provides a guided setup that helps you select the desired code formatting options, such as which code style or linter to use.

By configuring code formatting, you can establish consistent coding standards across your project. This helps maintain clean and readable code, making collaboration and maintenance easier.

The "gh formatting" command is part of the GitHub CLI package and has options and flags to provide more specific functionality. To explore the available options and their usage, you can run "gh formatting --help" which should display the relevant documentation and examples for the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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