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gh-issue-create: Create a new issue with a title, body and assign it to the current user.
$ gh issue create --title "${title}" --body "${body}" --assignee "${@me}"
try on your machine

The command gh issue create --title "${title}" --body "${body}" --assignee "${@me}" is a command written in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) and is used to create a new issue in a GitHub repository.

Here is an explanation of the different parts of the command:

  1. gh issue create: This is the main command to create a new issue in GitHub. It tells GitHub CLI to create a new issue.

  2. --title "${title}": This flag is used to specify the title of the issue. The value of "${title}" should be provided as an input. It is recommended to replace "${title}" with an actual title for the issue.

  3. --body "${body}": This flag is used to specify the body or description of the issue. The value of "${body}" should be put here. You can replace "${body}" with the actual body or description for the issue.

  4. --assignee "${@me}": This flag is used to assign the issue to a specific user or assignee. "${@me}" is a placeholder that refers to the currently logged-in user. So, when the command is executed, it automatically assigns the issue to the user who is running the command.

Overall, this command creates a new issue in a GitHub repository with the provided title, body, and assigns it to the currently logged-in user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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