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gh-issue-create: Create a new issue in the default web browser.
$ gh issue create --web
try on your machine

The command "gh issue create --web" is a command used in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It is used to create a new issue in a GitHub repository, but with the issue creation process occurring through a web-based interface.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "gh": This is the command to execute the GitHub CLI tool.
  • "issue": This is a subcommand specific to working with issues in a GitHub repository.
  • "create": This subcommand specifically creates a new issue.
  • "--web": This flag tells the GitHub CLI to use a web-based interface for creating the issue rather than the command line itself. Typically, if this flag is not specified, the issue would be created directly through the command line.

By using the "--web" flag, the command will open a web browser and lead you to the GitHub website, where you can provide the necessary details for creating the issue (such as title, description, labels, assignees, etc.) in a more visual and interactive way. This can be helpful for those who may prefer a graphical interface or need to provide more extensive details.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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