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gh-issue-create: Create a new issue interactively and assign it to the specified users.
$ gh issue create --assignee ${user1,user2,---}
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The command "gh issue create --assignee ${user1,user2,---}" is used to create a new issue in a GitHub repository and assign it to one or more users. Here's a breakdown of the command: - "gh issue create": This is the main command that creates a new issue on GitHub. - "--assignee": This flag is used to specify the user or users who will be assigned to the issue. Usually, you can provide a single username after the flag, but in this case, "${user1,user2,---}" is used as a placeholder that suggests you can replace it with one or more usernames separated by commas. By using this command with proper usernames, you can create an issue on GitHub and assign it to the specified user(s).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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