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gh-label: View labels for the repository in the current directory in the default web browser.
$ gh label list --web
try on your machine

This command is used to list all the labels of a GitHub repository on the web interface.

The command gh label list is part of the GitHub CLI tool (gh) which is a command-line interface for GitHub. It allows users to interact with their repositories, pull requests, issues, and other GitHub resources from the terminal.

The label list subcommand is used to retrieve a list of all the labels in a repository. Labels are used in GitHub to categorize and organize issues and pull requests. Each label has a name and an optional color.

The --web flag is used to view the label list directly in the web interface. By using this flag, the command will open the label list in a web browser instead of displaying it in the terminal.

By running gh label list --web, the command will fetch the labels of the current repository and open the label list page in the default web browser. This allows users to easily view, manage, and create labels using the GitHub web interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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