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gh-pr-create: Create a draft pull request.
$ gh pr create --draft
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The command gh pr create --draft is used in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) to create a new pull request (PR) for a repository and mark it as a draft.

  • gh pr: This signifies the GitHub pull request command.
  • create: This specifies that a new pull request needs to be created.
  • --draft: This flag marks the pull request as a draft. Draft pull requests are useful when you want to open a PR for collaboration or feedback but are not yet ready for it to be reviewed or merged. When a PR is marked as a draft, it indicates that additional work is required before it is finalized.

By using this command, the GitHub CLI tool will generate a new pull request in the repository and label it as a draft, allowing you to continue working on it before making it ready for review or merging.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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