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gh-pr-merge: Display help.
$ gh pr merge --help
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The command gh pr merge --help is used to get help information on how to use the gh pr merge command in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface). Here is a breakdown of the command and its components: - gh: It is the command to invoke the GitHub CLI. - pr: It is a subcommand in the gh CLI for interacting with pull requests. - merge: It is a command within the pr subcommand used to merge pull requests. - --help: It is an option used with the gh pr merge command to display the help information. Adding --help at the end of a command will typically show details on how to use the command, including available options, flags, and examples. By running gh pr merge --help, you'll get an output of the available options, flags, and syntax for the gh pr merge command, allowing you to better understand how to use it in your workflow.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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