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gh-pr-merge: Squash the current pull request into one commit with the message body and merge.
$ gh pr merge --squash --body="${commit_message_body}"
try on your machine

This command is a part of the GitHub CLI (command-line interface) called gh. It is used to merge a pull request (PR) with the squash method and assign a specific commit message body.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • gh: It is the main command to interact with the GitHub API using the GitHub CLI.
  • pr merge: It is a subcommand used to merge a pull request.
  • --squash: This flag indicates that the merge strategy should be squash. Squash merging combines all the commits from the PR into a single new commit on the main branch.
  • --body="${commit_message_body}": This flag sets the body of the commit message when performing the merge. Instead of using a generic merge message, the value of ${commit_message_body} will be used. ${commit_message_body} is likely to be a variable that contains a specific message for this merge.

Overall, this command is used to merge a pull request using the squash method, where all the commits from the PR are combined into a single commit. Additionally, it allows you to specify a custom commit message body using a variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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