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gh-reference: Display a markdown reference of all `gh` commands.
$ gh reference
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The command "gh reference" is used to display the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) reference, which provides comprehensive documentation and guides on how to use various features and commands of the GitHub CLI tool.

When you run "gh reference" in your command line interface, it will open a web browser with the official GitHub CLI documentation. This documentation includes detailed explanations of all the available commands, options, and workflows supported by the GitHub CLI.

By referring to the documentation provided by "gh reference," you can learn more about the GitHub CLI tool and how to effectively use it to interact with GitHub repositories, issues, pull requests, and other aspects of the GitHub platform, all through your command line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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