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List of commands for gh-repo:

  • gh-repo:tldr:0843e gh-repo: Fork and clone a repository.
    $ gh repo fork ${owner}/${repository} --clone
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  • gh-repo:tldr:6d9de gh-repo: Create a new repository (if the repository name is not set, the default name will be the name of the current directory).
    $ gh repo create ${name}
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  • gh-repo:tldr:dfa87 gh-repo: View a repository in the default web browser.
    $ gh repo view ${repository} --web
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  • gh-repo:tldr:e0ed6 gh-repo: List repositories owned by a specific user or organization (if the owner is not set, the default owner will be the currently logged in user).
    $ gh repo list ${owner}
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  • gh-repo:tldr:fc8d3 gh-repo: List only non-forks repositories.
    $ gh repo list ${owner} --non-forks
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