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gh-run: Display the jobs for a run and wait until it's done.
$ gh run watch ${workflow_run_number}
try on your machine

The command gh run watch ${workflow_run_number} is used in GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) to watch a workflow run.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • gh: It is the command used to interact with GitHub via the CLI. It provides a set of commands to perform different actions on GitHub repositories and workflows.
  • run: It is a subcommand of gh used to interact with workflow runs. It allows you to view, list, and watch workflow runs.
  • watch: It is an argument for the run subcommand, indicating that you want to watch a workflow run.
  • ${workflow_run_number}: It is a placeholder for the workflow run number you want to watch. When using this command, you need to replace ${workflow_run_number} with the actual number of the workflow run you wish to watch.

The watch command will display live updates on the workflow run's progress, such as the current status, jobs, steps, and logs. It allows you to monitor the execution of a workflow run in real-time, rather than manually refreshing the page on GitHub.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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