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gh-screensaver: Run a random screensaver.
$ gh screensaver
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The command "gh screensaver" is a command used with the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool. It is used to interact with your GitHub profile's screen saver settings.

When you run the command "gh screensaver", it allows you to view and configure the screensaver on your GitHub profile. The screensaver on GitHub displays randomly selected visual patterns and animated graphics when your profile is inactive for a certain period of time.

By using the "gh screensaver" command, you can access various options related to the screensaver, such as enabling or disabling it, customizing the duration before it activates, and selecting the style of the screensaver.

Overall, this command helps you manage and personalize the screensaver feature of your GitHub profile directly from the command line instead of going to the GitHub website.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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