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gh-workflow: List workflow files (use `--all` to include disabled workflows).
$ gh workflow list
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The command gh workflow list is used in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool, also known as gh. This command allows you to list all the workflows in a GitHub repository.

When you execute gh workflow list in your command line, it will connect to the GitHub API, authenticate your GitHub account, and retrieve the list of workflows available in the currently selected repository. The information returned includes the workflow ID, name, state (active or inactive), and the path to the workflow file.

Workflows in GitHub are set up using YAML files and represent a series of steps or actions that are executed automatically based on triggers, such as commits, pull requests, or scheduled intervals. They are commonly used for automating various tasks, running tests, or deploying code.

By running gh workflow list, you can quickly view the existing workflows in a repository, which can be helpful for managing and accessing them when needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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