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ghdl: Analyze a VHDL source file and produce an object file.
$ ghdl -a ${filename-vhdl}
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The command ghdl -a ${filename-vhdl} is used to compile or analyze a VHDL file using the GHDL (G Hardware Description Language) simulator.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • ghdl: This is the command-line interface for the GHDL simulator.
  • -a: This option is used to indicate that we want to analyze or compile a VHDL file. Analysis involves parsing the VHDL source code and performing various checks without actually executing the design.
  • ${filename-vhdl}: This is a placeholder indicating the name of the VHDL file you want to analyze. It implies that you should replace ${filename-vhdl} with the actual name of your VHDL file. The .vhdl extension suggests that the file should have a .vhdl extension, but it may vary depending on your specific file naming convention.

By executing this command, GHDL will compile and analyze the specified VHDL file, checking for syntax errors, semantic errors, and other problems in the design code. The analysis step is crucial before any simulation or synthesis of the VHDL design can take place.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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