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git-credential: Send credential information to all configured credential helpers to store for later use.
$ echo "${url=http:--example-com}" | git credential approve
try on your machine

This command is a combination of two separate commands: echo and git credential approve.

  1. echo: The echo command is used to display text or variables on the terminal. In this case, echo is used to print the specified text "${url=http:--example-com}".

  2. git credential approve: This command is related to Git's credential helper system. When you perform Git operations that require authentication, Git can use a credential helper to securely store and retrieve your credentials. The git credential approve command is used to approve or grant access to the credentials for a specific URL.

The pipe symbol | is used to redirect the output of the echo command as the input to the git credential approve command. So, the output of the echo command "${url=http:--example-com}" is sent as input to git credential approve.

Overall, this command sets the value of the URL to and then approves the credentials for that URL in Git's credential helper system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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