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List of commands for git-remote:

  • git-remote:tldr:35071 git-remote: Add a remote.
    $ git remote add ${remote_name} ${remote_url}
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  • git-remote:tldr:45222 git-remote: Change the URL of a remote (use `--add` to keep the existing URL).
    $ git remote set-url ${remote_name} ${new_url}
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  • git-remote:tldr:67aa9 git-remote: Remove a remote.
    $ git remote remove ${remote_name}
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  • git-remote:tldr:70497 git-remote: Rename a remote.
    $ git remote rename ${old_name} ${new_name}
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  • git-remote:tldr:86f06 git-remote: Show the URL of a remote.
    $ git remote get-url ${remote_name}
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  • git-remote:tldr:94e33 git-remote: Show information about a remote.
    $ git remote show ${remote_name}
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  • git-remote:tldr:b78ac git-remote: Show a list of existing remotes, their names and URL.
    $ git remote -v
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