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gitlab-runner: Register a runner.
$ sudo gitlab-runner register --url ${https:--gitlab-example-com} --registration-token ${token} --name ${name}
try on your machine

This command is used to register a GitLab Runner on a machine with the GitLab CI/CD server.

  • sudo: This is a command that allows the user to run a command as a superuser or administrator. It is often required for system-related operations.

  • gitlab-runner register: This is the main part of the command. It instructs the GitLab Runner executable to register itself with the GitLab CI/CD server.

  • --url ${https:--gitlab-example-com}: This flag specifies the URL of the GitLab server where the CI/CD pipeline is hosted. In this case, it is set to "". The ${} notation indicates that the value is a parameter or variable that needs to be replaced with an actual value.

  • --registration-token ${token}: This flag specifies the registration token required to authenticate and register the GitLab Runner with the GitLab CI/CD server. Similar to the previous flag, ${token} represents a variable that needs to be replaced with an actual token value.

  • --name ${name}: This flag sets the name of the GitLab Runner instance being registered. Once again, ${name} represents a variable that should be replaced with the desired name for the runner.

Overall, this command is used to initiate the registration process for a GitLab Runner, providing the required information such as the GitLab server URL, registration token, and the name of the runner.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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