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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gitlab-runner. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


GitLab Runner is an open-source command line tool developed by GitLab. It allows you to run jobs and perform continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) tasks directly on your local machine or on remote servers.

GitLab Runner works by registering a Runner instance with your GitLab instance, allowing it to execute actions defined in your project's .gitlab-ci.yml file. This file specifies the steps to be run for each job, such as building and testing code, deploying to servers, and more.

Features of GitLab Runner include:

  1. Concurrency: It can handle multiple jobs concurrently, allowing for faster pipelines.
  2. Scalability: GitLab Runner supports distributed execution on multiple machines, enabling faster job execution.
  3. Versatility: It supports various executors, including Docker, Kubernetes, virtual machines, and custom shells. This flexibility allows you to run jobs in different environments.
  4. Executor Registration: The Runner can automatically register itself with the GitLab instance, simplifying the setup process.
  5. Secure Communication: GitLab Runner uses TLS encryption to securely communicate with GitLab, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected.

Overall, GitLab Runner is a crucial component of GitLab's CI/CD pipeline, enabling developers to automate build, test, and deployment processes, and ultimately, deliver software more efficiently and reliably.

List of commands for gitlab-runner:

  • gitlab-runner:tldr:192c4 gitlab-runner: Check if the registered runners can connect to GitLab.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner verify
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  • gitlab-runner:tldr:27852 gitlab-runner: Restart the runner service.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner restart
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  • gitlab-runner:tldr:8b3e0 gitlab-runner: Register a runner.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner register --url ${https:--gitlab-example-com} --registration-token ${token} --name ${name}
    try on your machine
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  • gitlab-runner:tldr:8e21b gitlab-runner: Display the status of the runner service.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner status
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  • gitlab-runner:tldr:cb962 gitlab-runner: Unregister a runner.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner unregister --name ${name}
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  • gitlab-runner:tldr:e927c gitlab-runner: Register a runner with a Docker executor.
    $ sudo gitlab-runner register --url ${https:--gitlab-example-com} --registration-token ${token} --name ${name} --executor ${docker}
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tool overview