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gitlint: Check the last commit message.
$ gitlint
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The gitlint command is a tool used to enforce consistent and high-quality commit message standards in a Git repository. It helps maintain a clean commit history by automatically checking and providing feedback on commit messages according to a set of predefined rules.

When you run the gitlint command, it analyzes the most recent commit message in your Git repository and compares it against the rules specified in a configuration file called .gitlint. The rules in this file define constraints on the commit message, such as maximum line length, presence of a subject, absence of certain keywords, and more.

If the commit message violates any of the rules, gitlint will provide detailed feedback on what needs to be fixed. It may suggest changes to the message or highlight specific issues with the message content. This way, gitlint helps ensure that all commits in a repository follow common conventions and are easily understandable.

By enforcing commit message standards, gitlint aims to improve collaboration, code review, and the overall quality of a Git project. It encourages developers to write informative and concise commit messages, making it easier for others to understand the intent and changes made in each commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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