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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool gitlint. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Gitlint is a command line tool that helps enforce best practices for writing commit messages in Git. It performs static analysis on commit messages to ensure they follow certain guidelines and standards.

Some key features of gitlint include:

  1. Rule-based analysis: Gitlint analyzes commit messages based on a set of predefined rules. These rules cover various aspects such as message length, format, subject line capitalization, tense, punctuation, and more. By enforcing these rules, gitlint helps improve the quality and consistency of commit messages.

  2. Customizable rules: Gitlint allows you to configure the rules according to your specific needs. You can enable, disable, or tweak individual rules to match your team's commit message guidelines. This flexibility makes it adaptable to different workflows and standards.

  3. Pre-commit hook integration: Gitlint can be easily integrated into your Git workflow as a pre-commit hook. This means that each commit is automatically validated against the configured rules before it is accepted. By catching bad commit messages early on, gitlint encourages developers to write better commit messages from the start.

  4. Command line interface: Gitlint is a command line tool, making it easy to integrate into different development environments. It can be integrated into Git clients, IDEs, or build systems, allowing for seamless integration into existing workflows.

  5. Support for multiple Git platforms: Gitlint is designed to work with various Git platforms, including GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and others. This means you can use gitlint regardless of the Git hosting service you use for your repositories.

Using gitlint helps ensure that commit messages are clear, descriptive, and maintain a consistent style. This ultimately leads to better collaboration, easier code reviews, and improved overall code quality.

List of commands for gitlint:

  • gitlint:tldr:09380 gitlint: Path to a directory or Python module with extra user-defined rules.
    $ gitlint --extra-path ${path-to-directory}
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  • gitlint:tldr:1049b gitlint: Check the last commit message.
    $ gitlint
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  • gitlint:tldr:17248 gitlint: The range of commits to lint.
    $ gitlint --commits ${single_refspec_argument}
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  • gitlint:tldr:d502e gitlint: Path to a file containing a commit-msg.
    $ gitlint --msg-filename ${filenamename}
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  • gitlint:tldr:e833a gitlint: Read staged commit meta-info from the local repository.
    $ gitlint --staged
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  • gitlint:tldr:f4ca6 gitlint: Start a specific CI job.
    $ gitlint --target ${path-to-target_directory}
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tool overview