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gitlint: Read staged commit meta-info from the local repository.
$ gitlint --staged
try on your machine

The command "gitlint --staged" is used to run the Git-Lint tool on the currently staged changes in the Git repository.

Git-Lint is a command-line tool that helps enforce and maintain consistent and clean commit messages. It analyzes the content of commit messages and provides suggestions for improvements based on a set of defined rules and guidelines.

By running "gitlint --staged", you are instructing Git-Lint to only analyze the changes that have been staged (i.e., added to the staging area with "git add"). This allows you to specifically focus on the commit messages for the changes that are about to be committed.

Running this command will result in Git-Lint analyzing the staged commit messages, checking for any violations of the defined rules, and providing feedback to help you improve the quality of your commit messages before finalizing the commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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