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gitsome: List the current account's starred repos, filtered by a given search string.
$ gh starred "${python 3}"
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The command gh starred "${python 3}" is likely intended to be run in a command-line interface and is using a tool or script called gh to interact with GitHub.


  • gh: This is a command-line tool called GitHub CLI. It allows you to interact with various GitHub functionalities directly from the command line.
  • starred: This is a command within gh that allows you to view repositories that you have previously starred (marked as favorites) on GitHub.
  • "${python 3}": This part of the command seems to be an argument passed to the gh command. However, the syntax ${python 3} is not typically used in command-line interfaces, and it's unclear what it refers to in this context.

It's possible that "${python 3}" is intended to represent a specific search query or repository name that contains the words "python" and "3". However, without additional context or clarifying information, it is difficult to provide a more accurate explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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