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gitsome: List notifications for the current account (as would be seen in
$ gh notifications
try on your machine

The command "gh notifications" is used in the GitHub CLI (Command Line Interface) tool to view notifications related to your GitHub account.

When you run "gh notifications", it retrieves and displays the unread notifications for the currently authenticated GitHub user in the terminal or command prompt. These notifications can include things like pull request reviews, issue comments, mentions, and other actions performed on repositories or projects you are involved in.

By using this command, you can quickly check for any new activity or updates on your GitHub account without needing to navigate to the GitHub website directly. This is particularly useful for managing and staying aware of changes happening across your repositories or projects in a streamlined manner.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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