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glab-mr-create: Create a merge request, determining the title and description from the commit messages of the current branch.
$ glab mr create --fill
try on your machine

The command "glab mr create --fill" is a GitLab CLI (Command-Line Interface) command, specifically the "mr create" command, with the "--fill" option.

In GitLab, an "mr" stands for a "Merge Request," which is a method to propose and include changes from one branch (source branch) into another (target branch). The "mr create" command is used to create a new merge request.

The "--fill" option in this command instructs GitLab to automatically populate the merge request with default values. These default values might include the title, description, and other relevant information required for the merge request process.

By using the "--fill" option, it saves the user from manually inputting or selecting various details required for the merge request creation. Instead, GitLab automatically generates the necessary information based on the default settings defined in the repository, reducing the time and effort needed.

Overall, running this command will create a new merge request with predefined default values, speeding up the process of initiating a merge request.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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