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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool glab. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Glab is a command-line tool that provides an enhanced workflow for using GitLab from your terminal. It aims to simplify the interaction with GitLab repositories, issues, merge requests, pipelines, and other features of GitLab.

Some key features of glab include:

  1. Repository management: With glab, you can easily create, clone, and delete repositories on GitLab. It supports both personal and group repositories.

  2. Issue and merge request handling: You can create, list, edit, and close issues and merge requests using glab. It provides options to assign, label, and comment on issues and merge requests directly from your terminal.

  3. Pipeline management: glab allows you to view and monitor the pipelines running on your GitLab projects. You can check the status of pipelines, view the pipeline history, and even trigger new pipelines.

  4. Streamlined CI/CD integration: glab helps streamline your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment processes. It allows you to trigger and monitor CI/CD pipelines, view logs, and even approve or reject pipeline jobs.

  5. Pipeline Variables: glab offers the ability to set and manage pipeline variables directly from the command line. This makes it easier to configure and manage environment-specific or secret variables for your pipelines.

  6. Easy access to GitLab features: glab provides a convenient way to access various GitLab features like project boards, labels, milestones, snippets, and more. These features can be accessed and managed directly through the command line.

Overall, glab enhances productivity by providing a seamless and focused command-line experience for GitLab, allowing developers and teams to efficiently interact with their GitLab projects.

List of commands for glab:

  • glab-alias:tldr:124d4 glab-alias: Display the subcommand help.
    $ glab alias
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  • glab-alias:tldr:582a3 glab-alias: Delete a command shortcut.
    $ glab alias delete ${alias_name}
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  • glab-alias:tldr:76afc glab-alias: Set a shell command as a `glab` subcommand.
    $ glab alias set --shell ${alias_name} ${command}
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  • glab-alias:tldr:b602c glab-alias: Create a `glab` subcommand alias.
    $ glab alias set ${mrv} '${mr view}'
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  • glab-alias:tldr:c793c glab-alias: List all the aliases `glab` is configured to use.
    $ glab alias list
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  • glab-auth:tldr:5c6db glab-auth: Log in to a specific GitLab instance.
    $ glab auth login --hostname ${gitlab-example-com}
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  • glab-auth:tldr:67b9d glab-auth: Log in with interactive prompt.
    $ glab auth login
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  • glab-auth:tldr:c4e8c glab-auth: Log in with a token.
    $ glab auth login --token ${token}
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  • glab-auth:tldr:f4ff8 glab-auth: Check authentication status.
    $ glab auth status
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  • glab-issue:tldr:009d5 glab-issue: List closed issues made by a specific user.
    $ glab issue list --closed --author ${username}
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  • glab-issue:tldr:465e3 glab-issue: List the last 10 issues with the `bug` label.
    $ glab issue list --per-page ${10} --label "${bug}"
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  • glab-issue:tldr:5de90 glab-issue: Reopen a specific issue.
    $ glab issue reopen ${issue_number}
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  • glab-issue:tldr:6a0c2 glab-issue: Display a specific issue in the default web browser.
    $ glab issue view ${issue_number} --web
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  • glab-issue:tldr:baa1d glab-issue: Create a new issue in the default web browser.
    $ glab issue create --web
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  • glab-issue:tldr:e2f2a glab-issue: Display a specific issue.
    $ glab issue view ${issue_number}
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  • glab-mr-create:tldr:0e469 glab-mr-create: Create a merge request, determining the title and description from the commit messages of the current branch.
    $ glab mr create --fill
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  • glab-mr-create:tldr:39d89 glab-mr-create: Start opening a merge request in the default web browser.
    $ glab mr create --web
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  • glab-mr-create:tldr:5622b glab-mr-create: Create a merge request specifying the target branch, title, and description.
    $ glab mr create --target-branch ${target_branch} --title "${title}" --description "${description}"
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  • glab-mr-create:tldr:987c1 glab-mr-create: Interactively create a merge request.
    $ glab mr create
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  • glab-mr-create:tldr:d871a glab-mr-create: Create a draft merge request.
    $ glab mr create --draft
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  • glab-mr-merge:tldr:5e080 glab-mr-merge: Merge the merge request, removing the branch on both the local and the remote.
    $ glab mr merge --remove-source-branch
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  • glab-mr-merge:tldr:95c11 glab-mr-merge: Display help.
    $ glab mr merge --help
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  • glab-mr-merge:tldr:c3163 glab-mr-merge: Squash the current merge request into one commit with the message body and merge.
    $ glab mr merge --squash --message="${commit_message_body}"
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  • glab-mr-merge:tldr:c578c glab-mr-merge: Merge the merge request associated with the current branch interactively.
    $ glab mr merge
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  • glab-mr-merge:tldr:cf248 glab-mr-merge: Merge the specified merge request, interactively.
    $ glab mr merge ${mr_number}
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  • glab-mr:tldr:078de glab-mr: View the changes made in the merge request.
    $ glab mr diff
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  • glab-mr:tldr:2053f glab-mr: Edit a merge request interactively.
    $ glab mr update
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  • glab-mr:tldr:8f64b glab-mr: Approve the merge request for the current branch.
    $ glab mr approve
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  • glab-mr:tldr:9a9bc glab-mr: Edit the target branch of a merge request.
    $ glab mr update --target-branch ${branch_name}
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  • glab-pipeline:tldr:1cb8e glab-pipeline: Run a manual pipeline on the current branch.
    $ glab pipeline run
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  • glab-pipeline:tldr:2c67d glab-pipeline: View a running pipeline on a specific branch.
    $ glab pipeline status --branch ${branch_name}
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  • glab-pipeline:tldr:2ea92 glab-pipeline: Run a manual pipeline on a specific branch.
    $ glab pipeline run --branch ${branch_name}
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  • glab-pipeline:tldr:3bce5 glab-pipeline: Get the list of pipelines.
    $ glab pipeline list
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  • glab-pipeline:tldr:48db7 glab-pipeline: View a running pipeline on the current branch.
    $ glab pipeline status
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  • glab-release:tldr:14450 glab-release: Display information about a specific release.
    $ glab release view ${tag}
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  • glab-release:tldr:38cc5 glab-release: Delete a specific release.
    $ glab release delete ${tag}
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  • glab-release:tldr:4c237 glab-release: Download assets from a specific release.
    $ glab release download ${tag}
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  • glab-release:tldr:58611 glab-release: List releases in a Gitlab repository, limited to 30 items.
    $ glab release list
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  • glab-release:tldr:7a738 glab-release: Upload assets to a specific release.
    $ glab release upload ${tag} ${filename1} ${filename2}
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  • glab-release:tldr:f9ee9 glab-release: Create a new release.
    $ glab release create ${tag}
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  • glab-repo:tldr:12257 glab-repo: Create a new repository (if the repository name is not set, the default name will be the name of the current directory).
    $ glab repo create ${name}
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  • glab-repo:tldr:4f850 glab-repo: Search some repositories in the GitLab instance.
    $ glab repo search -s ${search_string}
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  • glab-repo:tldr:663d9 glab-repo: Clone a repository.
    $ glab repo clone ${owner}/${repository}
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  • glab-repo:tldr:76b08 glab-repo: View a repository in the default web browser.
    $ glab repo view ${owner}/${repository} --web
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  • glab-repo:tldr:fa27d glab-repo: Fork and clone a repository.
    $ glab repo fork ${owner}/${repository} --clone
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  • glab:tldr:0bdbd glab: Create a new issue.
    $ glab issue create
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  • glab:tldr:559fc glab: View a pull request in the default web browser.
    $ glab mr view --web ${pr_number}
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  • glab:tldr:87550 glab: View and filter the open issues of the current repository.
    $ glab issue list
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  • glab:tldr:88832 glab: Check out a specific pull request locally.
    $ glab mr checkout ${pr_number}
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tool overview