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glab-mr-create: Start opening a merge request in the default web browser.
$ glab mr create --web
try on your machine

The command glab mr create --web is a GitLab command-line interface (CLI) command used to create a merge request (also known as a pull request) through a web-based interface.

Here's a breakdown of the different elements in the command:

  • glab: This is the command-line executable for the GitLab CLI tool.
  • mr: Short for "merge request", this is a subcommand of glab used to manage merge requests on GitLab.
  • create: This subcommand is used to create a new merge request.
  • --web: This flag instructs the command to open the merge request creation page in a web browser.

By running glab mr create --web, you will be prompted to provide information about the merge request, such as the source (branch you want to merge) and target (branch you want to merge into). Opening the merge request creation page in a web browser allows you to provide more details, assign it to reviewers, add labels, and perform other actions that may not be possible through the CLI alone.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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