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glab-mr-create: Create a merge request specifying the target branch, title, and description.
$ glab mr create --target-branch ${target_branch} --title "${title}" --description "${description}"
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This command is using the "glab" command-line tool to create a merge request (MR). The "glab" tool provides GitLab-specific commands and functionalities.

The command structure is as follows:

  • glab mr create is the command to create a new merge request.
  • --target-branch ${target_branch} specifies the target branch where you want to merge your changes. The ${target_branch} is a variable that should be substituted with the desired branch name.
  • --title "${title}" is used to set the title (or the name) of the merge request. The ${title} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired title text.
  • --description "${description}" is used to provide a description or additional information for the merge request. Similarly, ${description} is a variable that should be replaced with the desired description text.

Overall, this command creates a merge request on GitLab, specifying the target branch, title, and description using the provided variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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