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glab-mr-merge: Merge the merge request associated with the current branch interactively.
$ glab mr merge
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The command glab mr merge is typically used in the context of working with GitLab's merge requests (MRs). It is a command-line interface (CLI) command provided by the glab tool, which is an open-source GitLab CLI made by GitHub.

When executed, the glab mr merge command is used to merge a merge request (MR) to the target branch in GitLab. The MR is a feature in GitLab that allows developers to propose a set of changes to be merged into a branch. The glab tool provides a convenient way to interact with GitLab's MRs through the command line.

To use the specific glab mr merge command, the command needs to be followed by the MR's ID or its IID (internal ID) and the target branch where the MR should be merged. For example, if you have an MR with an ID of 123 and you want to merge it to the main branch, you would run:

glab mr merge 123 -R main

This command will trigger the merge operation, applying the changes from the MR to the specified target branch. Upon successful completion, the MR will be considered merged, and the changes will be included in the target branch.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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