glab-pipeline: View a running pipeline on the current branch.
$ glab pipeline status
try on your machine
The command "glab pipeline status" is used to check the status of pipelines in GitLab.
GitLab pipelines are sets of jobs or processes that are defined in a configuration file (usually called .gitlab-ci.yml) and are triggered automatically upon certain events, such as pushing new code to a repository.
When you run the "glab pipeline status" command, it retrieves and displays the current status of the pipelines associated with the current branch of the repository.
Here are a few possible statuses that can be returned:
- "pending": The pipeline has been triggered but has not started running yet.
- "running": The pipeline is currently running (jobs are being executed).
- "failed": The pipeline has completed, but at least one of the jobs has failed.
- "success": The pipeline has completed successfully (all jobs have passed).
- "canceled": The pipeline has been manually canceled before completion.
This command is helpful to quickly check the status of pipelines to understand if they are still running, have completed successfully, or have encountered any issues.
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